Egypt Organizes Dates Festival In Cooperation With The Khalifa Prize In November

Cairo – ( Massader News)
The Egyptian Ministry of Commerce and Industry, in cooperation with the General Secretariat of the Khalifa International Prize for Dates Palm and Agricultural Innovation, will organize the third edition of the Egyptian Dates Festival in Siwa Oasis in November, according to a press release received by Massader News.
Egyptian exports of dates during the first quarter of this year 2017 amounted to 17.3 thousand tons valued at 14.2 million dollars compared to 13.1 thousand tons during the same period last year, an increase of 32%, according to the press release.
Egyptian Minister of Trade and Industry Tariq Qabil said that the aim of the festival is to exchange experiences for the development of the date production and production sector and the associated industries.
Dr. Abdulwahab Zayed, Secretary-General of the Khalifa International Prize for Dates Palm and Agricultural Innovation, said that the Egyptian dates competition will be opened during the third edition in a special guide explaining the categories, conditions, criteria and participation form.

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#Dubai Masaader News #Egypt #UAE #Khalifa Prize #Dates Festival