Egypt Receives $ 77 Billion US Aids In 68 Years

Cairo – (Massader News)

This was not the first time that the US administration had been threat to cut off aid to some countries that might not comply with its foreign policy. Washington used the aid arm as a pressure on the beneficiary countries to support US decisions.

Egypt received about $ 77.4 billion as foreign aids from the United States from 1948 to 2016, according to the Congressional Research Service, including about $ 1.3 billion as annual military aid.

Washington again threatens to cut off aid to countries that would vote against its recent decision to consider Jerusalem as the capital of Israel at the UN General Assembly.

The threats may have been more subtle to Egypt, which submitted to the United Nations an Arab draft resolution to reject any resolution that would change the identity of Jerusalem.

Former US President Barack Obama has blocked Harpoon and F-16 fighter jets from Egypt in 2013 after President Mohamed Morsi was sacked.

The US administration used the aid weapon as a pressure card, as Trump also threatened to lift aid from Pakistan if it doesn’t cooperate more with the United States in counterterrorism operations.

During the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump warned that the United States might withdraw from NATO because it bears an unfair burden in pushing the coalition.

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