Zain Platinum Sponsor Of Model United Nations Conference

Dubai – Masaader News

Zain, the leading telecommunications company in Kuwait, announced the conclusion of its Platinum sponsorship of the Model United Nations Conference organized by Kuwait’s International Law Society during March 2018, which was held at the United Nations House in Mishref with the presence of H.E the Ambassador of the United States Lawrence Silverman.


Zain’s support to this competition came as part of the company’s ongoing efforts to contribute to the development of various areas, ultimately reflecting the country’s advanced position in all fields. Zain’s sponsorship also comes as an extension of the company’s continuous support to the activities and programs of Kuwait’s International Law Society.


The conference provided an opportunity for young students to learn about the international situation, where students given the role of a diplomatic representative in the United Nations in various organs to make decisions, solve key problems, and research on the real international issues presented to them. The conference helped to enhance the skills of the art of speech and persuasion in students, with the aim of developing the corresponding skills to raise student awareness and to encourage meaningful and productive debates.


The company’s sponsorship came from its keenness to develop various sectors that contribute to raise the cultural image of Kuwait and its pioneering role in many fields, which complemented Zain’s efforts to support the activities of the Kuwait International Law Society, which included the Dal Talks Dialogue and the Moot Court Competition.


Zain firmly believes in the importance of mutual cooperation between the private sector and entities that support the youth through initiatives and programs that aim at developing and nurturing their academic skills and capabilities. Through supporting such initiatives, Zain reflects its commitment towards the development of the youth, ultimately achieving a more sustainable future.


Zain will remain a main supporter of such innovative initiatives that cater to the academic achievements of Kuwaiti youth. The company will remain dedicated to the further progress of education in the country, and will spare no efforts in supporting any entities that exert efforts in advancing the advancement of the educational sector in Kuwait.


It is worth noting that the Model United Nations Conference is a world-class conference in universities and student bodies. It was established in 2013 by the Kuwait International Law Society and held annually, and provide the opportunity for participation of students from different majors, universities and schools locally and internationally.