DED Issues Permits To 163 Free Zone Companies

Dubai – Masaader News

The Department of Economic Development (DED) in Dubai has permitted 163 free zone companies to operate in mainland Dubai following a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed earlier this year between DED and the Dubai Free Zones Council. The MoU sought to enable free zone entities in Dubai to expand their operations across the emirate, and strengthen Dubai’s reputation for attracting investments, promoting entrepreneurship and facilitating business development.

Nearly 34,780 free zone companies in Dubai are expected to benefit from the agreement between DED and the Dubai Free Zones Council. Free zone companies in the services sector can apply for a DED permit by producing a no-objection certificate from their respective free zone authority. The service for which the DED permit is sought must not be subject to any other regulator in the emirate and the application must be submitted to DED in the prescribed format.