Everyone is distinguished in one way or the other and can be a real superhero, for Allah grants everyone a unique set of individual skills and advantages that cannot be compared with others. Some of us are aware of these unique skills and do what is right to nurture and develop these skills while others are hardly aware of these talents and failure remains stuck in their own mindsets.
What I can say is that superheroes are born when they discover these unique skills in their personality.
What is the worst type of failure? We can say that is the one who has an advantage or a unique gift from Allah, yet does not know how to use it, he is worse than the failure itself
Allah distinguished us with wisdom, logic, and reasoning, for Allah grants us various degrees of these qualities, and what I may have, you may lack and the reverse is true, for we all need each other to complete our skills.
Look at the innovators of modern technology and fourth industrial revolution as an example, most scientists overcome massive challenges to innovate and build modern machines and tools that facilitate our mobility, improve and develop the food we eat and discover modern medicine to treat previously incurable diseases.
Meanwhile, Allah gives other people unique skills and vision to warn the world about the side effects of technology on the environment and humanity, which would be devastating to all. Here lie two conflicting opinions and skill sets yet the world needs both to maintain a universal balance and harmony. Each side holds what we can call a recipe, an advantage, a point of view, or even a “word” that differs from others
Just as America’s laboratories and research, centers are in dire need of new ideas, minds, and visions that come from other parts of the world and less fortunate and poorer countries, who happen to also need the wealth of the most developed nations. Here I say that the universe is not complete without all our skills to be jointly integrated.
The success of a society being in the integration of its members, and that everyone comes out with the best of ideas, a chance to participate, and a desire for success.
So each of us must find their inner advantage, and look for the best skills he can exploit and develop, and not to just stand by idly, because you might lose your talent and abilities if you do not push yourself, remember ‘YOU ARE A HERO.”
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LinkedIn:@Mohamed Abdulzaher