Ebtkaar New Media Launches “Masaader News” MENA News Analysis Platform

Dubai – (Masaader News)

Ebtkaar New Media Services, a UAE-based company, has launched “Masaader News ” platform, a news analysis web platform that provides 24/7 economic, political and social updates on the GCC, Middle East and Global News in Arabic and English.

The company said in a press release: “Masaader News is not only a news portal, but also a service that allows job seekers to find opportunities, especially in the GCC labour market.

Masaader News also provides general advice from hiring managers from the largest local and international companies, as well as providing a safe professional environment and aims to help developing the skills of the Arab youth.”

Masaader News is currently based in Dubai and Cairo and offers media training sponsored by Ebtkaar New Media Services, the parent company.

Masaader News offers a special section on investment opportunities in the Middle East, which allows direct communication between governments and investors to examine these opportunities and partnership between the private and public sectors.

Masaader News also provides a detailed data directory of thousands of companies in the Middle East, stock and bond movements, Gulf and Arab stock markets, and news sources on “Gold Prices Today” and “Oil Prices”.

The slogan of “Masaader News” is “Professional, Ethical, and Knowledgeable” where news is accurate from its original source.

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