‘Undisturbed’ Pockets of Seawater From The Last Ice Age Discovered

Dubai- Masaader News

Scientists have discovered a ‘unique archive’ of ocean water that still exists virtually undisturbed from the last Ice Age some 20,000 years ago. According to (Science Alert).

Palaeoceanography – which investigates the makeup of ancient oceans lost to history – invariably relies on proxy methods, since such bodies of water have inevitably long since disappeared.

The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), is when ice sheets last hit their peak, before beginning to thaw about 20,000 years ago. When that great melting happened, a veritable ocean of freshwater ice thawed and sloughed off into the frigid salty seawater.

The world’s surface hasn’t seen that ancient saltwater since then, until now.

By extracting kilometres of rock cores buried deep underneath the Indian Ocean, the researchers found concealed traces of the lost ocean, absorbed into porous rock formations millennia ago and preserved there ever since.