Tetra Pak Egypt Joins The World In Celebrating The 20th World Milk Day

Cairo – Masaader News

Tetra Pak Egypt, the leading food processing and packaging company, celebrates the 20th World Milk Day by Raising awareness to the benefits of consuming safe packed milk, the hazards of loose milk and the nutritional benefits of milk.

Our campaign “Your Health is in This Package” encourages the consumption of safe milk through many digital activities” mentioned, Konstantin Kolesnik, Managing Director, Tetra Pak Egypt, in a press statement. He added, “In 2018, milk production in Egypt was more than 902 million litres out of which 461 million litres were consumed in loose and untreated state, which has high risks on the health of consumers”.

It is worth noting that, “Your Health is in this Package” campaign is driven by Tetra Pak in cooperation with the Egyptian Paediatric Association and the Chamber of Food Industries.

Here are some facts about milk brought to you by Tetra Pak Egypt:

  • Did you know that … milk contains nutritional elements such as calcium and vitamin D that help bone and teeth strength. It is also composed of a great amount of water molecules that ensure rehydration.

  • Did you know that … loose milk is the milk that is poured directly from the milkman’s container into a jar or plastic bag. It is likely to contain harmful bacteria and additives.

  • Did you know that … loose milk is usually handled in unsterile environment; it is exposed to light, sun, oxygen and in some cases, additives (for life prolonging purposes).

  • Did you know that … boiling loose milk at home does not make it safe because the temperature at which it is boiled is not high enough to destroy all bacteria and microorganisms. Also boiling milk for several minutes destroys all the nutrients.


  • Did you know that … Ultra-high temperature processing (UHT) is a technology where milk gets exposed to a brief heating of 135-140 Degrees Celsius for 4 seconds then it is cooled immediately which destroys bacteria without affecting the nutritional value of the milk. This process takes place in a closed sterile environment which prevents contamination.

  • Did you know that … Tetra Pak’s six-layer carton package forms a barrier against light, sun and oxygen, eliminating the need for refrigeration (before opening the package) and preventing spoilage without the need of preservatives.

  • Did you know that … once the milk package is opened it must be refrigerated and would last for one week.