South African teens fly from Cape to Cairo in homemade plane

Dubai- Masaader News

An aircraft built by South African teenagers has successfully landed in Egypt three weeks after it set off from Cape Town.

The four-seater Sling 4 plane was assembled by a group of 20 students from vastly different backgrounds.

The crew landed in Namibia, Malawi, Ethiopia, Zanzibar, Tanzania and Uganda during the 12,000km (7,455 mile) trip. BBC reported.

Pilot Megan Werner, 17, founder of U-Dream Global project, said she was thrilled by the accomplishment.

“I’m so honoured to have made a difference around the continent at the places we’ve stopped.

“The purpose of the initiative is to show Africa that anything is possible if you set your mind to it,” she added.

Another Sling 4 plane, flown by professional pilots, accompanied the teen flyers, whose goal was to give motivational talks for other teenagers along the way.

The teenagers built the aircraft in three weeks from a kit manufactured in South Africa by the Airplane Factory.