An 4000 year-old funerary garden discovered west of Luxor

Cairo – (Masaader News)

Almost 4000-year-old funerary garden has been discovered west of Luxor by the spanish archeological expedition, of Luxor, in Upper Egypt, during archaeological excavations in the open courtyard of one of the rock tombs of the central state in the region.

Dr. José Gallan, director of the Spanish expedition, described the park as a small, rectangular area, about 2 – 3 m in size, divided into squares with a distance of about 30 cm each, which, in turn, contained different types of plants and flowers, There are two wetlands that are likely to grow trees.

The mission also found in one side of the park on the root and trunk of a small 30-cm-long tree dating back 4,000 years BC, Gallan said. in addition to a bowl containing dates and other fruits, which were probably made as As sacrifices.

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