Egypt: New Discovery of 30 Ancient Coffins with Mummies

Dubai – Masaader News

Egyptian unveiled 30 ancient wooden coffins and mummies recently discovered in Luxor, according to CNN.

Mostafa Waziri, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, told reporters the discovery was the country’s largest in more than a century.

It is the first cache of coffins to be discovered by an Egyptian mission, after years of foreign-led archeological digs.

The mummies were found completely wrapped in cloth, their genders could be identified by the shape of the hands on the coffin. Coffins which were carved with the hands open meant they were female, while if the hands were balled into fists, they held males, according to Waziri.

The coffins were sealed, stacked on top of each other and arranged in two rows about three feet below the sand.