Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Is Iran “Standing Down” as Trump Says ??

Dubai – Masaader News

Donald Trump, US President, said that Iran “appears to be standing down” after it fired missiles at air bases housing US forces in Iraq. Mr Trump said also no US or Iraqi lives were lost in the attacks and the bases suffered only minimal damage, according to BBC.

Iran said it acted in retaliation after the assassination of top Iranian General Qasem Soleimani last week.

The US drone strike targeting him and Iran-backed militia figures in the Iraqi capital Baghdad was a major escalation amid already deteriorating relations between Iran and the US.

Mr Trump also said the US would immediately impose additional financial and economic sanctions on Iran, which would remain until it “changed its behaviour”.

“Iran must abandon its nuclear ambitions and end its support for terrorism,” he said.

“The civilised world must send a clear and unified message to the Iranian regime. Your campaign of terror, murder and mayhem will not be tolerated any more. It will not be allowed to go forward.”