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Biden One State Away From Victory After Winning Michigan And Wisconsin

Dubai- Massader News

Democrat Joe Biden was pushing closer to the 270 Electoral College votes needed to clinch victory in the 2020 Elections, needing only to win one of the states which remain undeclared, according to Al Arabiya English.

Biden’s Michigan and Wisconsin wins left him at 264 electoral votes, while incumbent Donald Trump had only 214.

Biden needs only to win one of the remaining battleground states – Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia and Nevada – to carry the White House.

Meanwhile, Trump has a much more difficult road to victory, as he would need to claim all four or the remaining battlegrounds.

With millions of votes yet to be tabulated, Biden already had received more than 71 million votes, the most in history.

At an afternoon news conference Wednesday, the former vice president said he expected to win the presidency but stopped short of outright declaring victory.

“I will govern as an American president,” Biden said. “There will be no red states and blue states when we win. Just the United States of America.”
Trump, in contrast, was escalating his efforts to sow doubt about the outcome of the race.

A day after he falsely claimed that he had won the election, he voiced support Thursday for ceasing the tallying of legally-cast votes in a tweet, saying, “STOP THE COUNT!”

He later falsely asserted that ballots received after Election Day “will not be counted,” a move that if implemented would affect military ballots, as his campaign propagated baseless allegations of fraud.

Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien said the president would formally request a Wisconsin recount, citing “irregularities” in several counties.

And the campaign said it was filing suit in Michigan and Pennsylvania to halt ballot counting on grounds that it wasn’t given proper access to observe. Still more legal action was launched in Georgia.