طارق قابيل وزير الصناعة والتجارة المصري

Nigeria Lifts Ban On Imports Of Egyptian Furniture

Cairo – ( Massader News)

Egyptian Minister of Industry and Trade Tariq Qabeel announced that Nigeria has lifted the ban on furniture imports from Egypt following a series of consultations and meetings with the Nigerian side, according to a press release received by Massader News.

Nigeria has imposed a ban on furniture imports on a list of 25 commodity groups since 2005.

“The Commercial Representation Office in Geneva conducted a series of consultations with the Nigerian delegation within the framework of the World Trade Organization, during which Egyptian companies were affected by the Nigerian ban on imports of furniture and in violation of WTO rules,” says Qabeel.

The minister pointed out that Egypt, during the review of trade policies of Nigeria in the WTO, demanded the Nigerian side to lift the Nigerian ban on furniture imports immediately. The Nigerian side responded to the Egyptian request and officially confirmed the lifting of the furniture item from the list of prohibited products.

He pointed out that the lifting of the ban on furniture imports to Nigeria represents a great opportunity for the Egyptian furniture sector, where the Nigerian market is one of the largest African markets with a population of 180 million people, as well as being one of the largest economies in the African continent, Is witnessing high rates of growth in the coming years after the economy get out of the recession experienced in the past years.

The Minister of Trade and Industry called on Egyptian furniture companies to exploit this opportunity and export to the Nigerian market, especially in light of the current trend of the ministry to increase Egyptian exports to African markets.

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