Supermarket Bags For Life Risk Spreading Harmful Bacteria, A Watchdog Warns

Dubai – Masaader News

Supermarket bags for life risk spreading harmful bacteria from the packaging of foods such as meat and fish, a consumer watchdog has warned. According to the Independent.

The Food Standards Agency says bugs like E.coli and campylobacter, which can cause stomach bugs, can be transferred from the outside of packaging when plastic bags are re-used. This can happen even if the product is not leaking, though the FSA did not say how commonly such contamination is thought to occur.

Consumers should always pack raw and ready-to-eat food products into separate bags and wash their hands when returning home after shopping, the FSA advises in its latest update.

“Even if there are no obvious spillages or staining after several uses, we would recommend that cotton/fabric bags for life be machine-washed regularly if they have been used for carrying raw items,” the FSA website recommends

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