Expo 2020 And UNIDO To Work Together

Dubai – Masaader News

Expo 2020 Dubai is to work with United Nations body UNIDO to promote entrepreneurship and investment around the world to help realise the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The two organisations yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will lead to UNIDO and Expo 2020 Dubai working together on some of the targets for 2030 by exploring initiatives such as sharing knowledge, thought leadership and co-hosting events.

The SDGs were agreed by the United Nations (UN) in 2015 and aim to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved by 2030, such as eradicating extreme poverty or reducing premature mortality from non-communicable diseases by a third.

In total, there are 17 SDGs and 169 targets, all of which form part of the UN’s Sustainable Development Agenda. Organisations from across the international community, including governments, businesses and charities, are working with the United Nations to achieve the agenda.

UNIDO, which stands for United Nations Industrial Development Organization, is the specialised agency of the UN that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalisation and environmental sustainability.

The MoU signing was attended by Hiroshi Kuniyoshi, Deputy to the Director General of UNIDO, and Manal AlBayat, Senior Vice President of Business Development and Integration at Expo 2020 Dubai, in the presence of Miroslav Lajčák, the President of the UN General Assembly.

Manal AlBayat said: “Expo 2020 Dubai is committed to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals, which are fully aligned with our own theme of ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’ as well as our subthemes of Opportunity, Mobilityand Sustainability.

“So we welcome the chance to work with UNIDO. Together we can harness the global platform of Expo 2020 Dubai to bring countries, organisations, corporations and educational institutions together to tackle these pressing issues.”

UNIDO has three key areas of focus: creating shared prosperity, which includes empowering youth and supporting rural entrepreneurship; advancing economic competitiveness, such as supporting the growth of SMEs and driving innovation; and safeguarding the environment, including encouraging clean energy use.

The organisation’s Good Will Ambassadors include influential business leaders and thought leaders from around the world.

UNIDO also hosts an annual event, the World Entrepreneurs Investment Forum, which has the goal of developing partnerships between entrepreneurs and sharing international best practices on entrepreneurship and innovation.

This year’s forum took place in Manama, Bahrain, from 30 October to 2 November.

Hiroshi Kuniyoshi said: “UNIDO is determined to help facilitate the success of the Sustainable Development Goals around the world.

“Our mandate is to promote inclusive and sustainable industrial development to achieve shared prosperity and environmental sustainability around the world, a mission that is enshrined in Sustainable Development Goal No.9: ‘Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation’.

“Expo 2020 Dubai is following a similar path as it looks to bring the world together to create a brighter future for all. This is why we are delighted to have signed this Memorandum of Understanding and look forward to working closely together.”

“This partnership proves that the private sector can make significant contributions toward inclusive and sustainable development,” said Miroslav Lajčák.

“I also welcome the parties’ intention to share knowledge around investment and entrepreneurship for development to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” he added.

More than 200 participants, including countries, multilateral organisations, corporations and educational institutions, are expected to take part in Expo 2020 Dubai.

It will be a celebration for all, which will provide a platform to encourage creativity, innovation and collaboration.

The Expo runs for six months from 20 October 2020 and is expected to attract 25 million visits, with 70 percent coming from outside of the UAE, an unprecedented proportion in the 166-year history of World Expos.

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#Dubai Masaader News #UNIDO #Industrials Masaader News #Expo 2020 Dubai #Business Masaader News