UAE Is Preparing For The End Of Oil Age And Will Cultivate In Mars

Dubai – (Massader News)

The UAE is moving towards the future, and the country’s aspirations are no longer limited to the earth, but extended to the space.

A report prepared by the BBC focus on the UAE’s initiative on the possibility of planting date palms and lettuce on Mars, after announcing its desire to explore the planet and launch a research probe to study the Red Planet.

UAE announced this before its probe left earth to the Mars from Japan in 2020, in cooperation with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.

UAE has begun preparing for the end of the oil age and investing in tourism and aviation.

” There are similarities between Mars and the Sahara, the landscape in the UAE is like Mars in terms of soil,” Rashid Al Zaabi, a senior strategic planner at the UAE space agency, said. “The UAE decided to allocate funds in two research projects to test the cultivation of date palm, lettuce, tomatoes and strawberries. in Mars, according to the BBC.

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