Dead and Injured for Jumping out of Train in Egypt

Cairo – Masaader News

Minister of Transportation in Egypt announced that the beginning of investigation into the events that led two men to jump from a train while it was moving leading to the death of one of them as they did not have a ticket in Tanta, according to Ahram.

Egypt’s Railways authority issued a statement about the incident with more details about it. According to the Railways authority , during the trip of train “934” from Alexandria to Luxor on 28 October 2019 , the conductor of the train demanded two passengers of “paying tickets or go out but they refused to pay “.

The statement added that while the train began to reduce its speed at a Gharbia governorate train station due to some malfunctions in the signal system in that train station , the two men jumped while the train was on the move which led to the death of one them and the injury of the other.

The statement added that the two passengers were street vendors.

The statement of the Railways authority quoted Egypt’s minister of transportation Kamel El-Wazir saying that he would not allow any negligence in the rights of any Egyptian citizens and that he was keen of the lives of all citizens.