A Tick Harms Brain Spreads in UK

Dubai – Masaader News

A tick is a tiny, spider-like creature that lives in undergrowth and on animals, including deer and dogs.Ticks are becoming more common across many parts of the UK, largely due to increasing deer numbers. Being bitten by one doesn’t necessarily mean you will get sick, according to BBC.

Dr Nick Phin, from Public Health England, said: ”These are early research findings and indicate the need for further work. However, the risk to the general public is currently assessed to be very low.”

Most people who catch the virus will have no or only mild flu-like symptoms. But the disease can progress to affect the brain and central nervous system and can sometimes be fatal.

Ticks can also carry other diseases that can make people ill including Lyme disease.

Dr Phin said: “We are reminding people to be ‘tick aware’ and take tick precautions, particularly when visiting or working in areas with long grass such as woodlands, moorlands and parks.”